Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Girl

My Girl

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Cast :
Lee Da hae (Ju Yoo Rin)
Lee Dong Wook (Seol Gong Chan)
Lee Jun Gi (Seo Jung Woo)
Park Si yeon (Kim Sae Hyun)

Episode : 16

Story :
Isn't the zebra crossing in black & white stripes? Heard that if you stepped on the white stripes you will be blessed with good luck.-Ju Yoo Rin-

From the creators of hit comedy/drama Sassy Girl Chunhyang comes their latest work, My Girl. Lee Dong Wook stars as Gong Chan, the heir to a large company fortune owned by his ailing grandfather. Bedridden, he spends his days regretting his past decisions - in particular when he severed ties with his own daughter (Gong Chan's aunt) because she fell in love with a man deemed unsuitable. She gave birth to a baby girl, but then the daughter and her husband died in an earthquake - to this day, Gong Chan's grandfather has been trying to track his granddaughter down.

One day Gong Chan meets the young and energetic Yoo Rin (Lee Da Hae), who instantly reminds him of his aunt. This gives Gong Chan an idea to make his grandfather's dying wish come true - but begins a complex relationship between the young couple. My Girl also stars hot new actor Lee Joon Ki (The King And The Clown) as a playboy who falls hopelessly in love with Yoo Rin, and Park Si Yeon as a spoilt young tennis pro who sets her sights on Gong Chan - and will do anything to get him!
cre: Yes Asia

Comment :
I'm sorry I can't tell anyone about us right now. Even though things may get difficult, I'll never let you go. Ju Yoo Rin, just promise me that, too.-Seol Gong Chan-

Pertamanya sih gua gak ngarep apa-apa dengan serial ini. Awal nonton juga gua anggap nih serial lumayan doang.Lucu plus salut ngeliat usaha Yoo Rin ngumpulin duit demi ngelunasin hutang bokapnya (bisa gitu lho maling jeruk dari kebun orang Image hosting by Photobucket ). As the story continues, gua makin tertarik dengan nih serial. Konflik mulai muncul sewaktu mantan pacar Gong Chan, Kim Sae Hyun, kembali ke Korea dan berniat menjalin hubungan kembali dengan Gong Chan.
Apalagi...kebohongan - kebohongan yang diciptakan Yoo Rin makin hebat aja.Dia bisa lho makan cabe yang pedas banget tapi mukanya menampakkan ekspresi seolah cabe itu gak ada pedas - pedasnya.

Saat Gong Chan dan Yoo Rin mengakui perasaan masing - masing, sejak saat itu juga segalanya menjadi lebih rumit. Hidup menjadi seperti dalam snow globe milik Yoo Rin. Terlihat damai dan indah, tapi sebenarnya palsu. Sebab jika kaca pelindung dipecahkan, dunia itu akan hancur berantakan. Begitu juga dengan Gong Chan dan Yoo Rin. Seandainya kebohongan mereka diketahui, maka hubungan mereka juga pasti akan terkena pengaruh.

Lewat serial ini, ditunjukkan klo kebohongan sehebat apapun, suatu hari pasti ketahuan juga. Jadi sebaiknya menjalani hidup secara jujur. Tapi personally, Image hosting by Photobucket p[]menurut gua itu hal yang susah dan hampir gak mungkin. Sebab...pasti gak ada manusia yang gak pernah berbohong.Instead, dalam sehari minimal 1x kali kita berbohong, walo dengan alasan white lie sekalipun. Iya kan? Image hosting by Photobucket

Rate :
This is the last one Seol Gong Chan .Count the person in your heart to 5. If that person appears, you will fall for her.-Ju Yoo Rin-

Hem...gua gak terlalu bisa nentuin angkanya. Pokoknya drama ini masih di bawah All About Eve ato Chun Hyang lah.

When you go to a high place, it gets rid of your sadness. When something bad happens, don't you just want to leave everything and run away to a far away place? But because of the occasion, you can't go to a far away place; you can go to higher up!
-Ju Yoo Rin-

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